Button Button

Syntax highlighting is not enabled by default but can be easily turned on.

Note: this is a new feature only working in git.


The version in git offers tentative support for client-side syntax highlighting. Here is an example:

return sputnik.new_wsapi_run_fn{
   VERSIUM_PARAMS = { '/home/alice/sputnik/wiki-data/' },
   BASE_URL       = '/sputnik.ws',


Syntax highlighting is currently offered through Alex Gorbatchev's SyntaxHighlighter Javascript library.

The library has been wrapped in Lua as a module "syntaxhighlighter". (The module will be eventually offered as a rock.) The module offers two functions: get_javascript() and get_css(). They return CSS and Javascript for SyntaxHighlighter respectively.

Sputnik Integration

Syntax highlighting is integrated into Sputnik very loosely, through two new parameters: MORE_CSS and MORE_JAVASCRIPT. Basically, whatever those parameters are set to will get added to sputnik/style.css and sputnik/scripts.js` respectively. (In both cases, the additional code will get appended in the very end.) For example:


return sputnik.wsapi_app.new{
   VERSIUM_PARAMS  = { '/home/yuri/sputnik/wiki-data/' },
   BASE_URL        = '/',
   PASSWORD_SALT   = '81782374908127304891720389412',
   TOKEN_SALT      = '81732489017238976476917863123',
   MORE_JAVASCRIPT = syntaxhighlighter.get_javascript{"Bash", "Lua", "Python"},
   MORE_CSS        = syntaxhighlighter.get_css(),

(Note that the parameters need to be set in sputnik.ws or sputnik.cgi, because sputnik/config node cannot require additional modules.


You can use highlighting by manually putting <pre> tag around your code block:

<pre class="brush: lua">

Alternatively, you can try the experimental "fenced code blocks" syntax, currently available in mainline:
